Visit to Lexx and Kevin's New Property
West Point, California
May, 2018

My housemates, Lexx King and Kevin Helvie, are the proud new owners
of 10 areas of property in West Point, California, in Calavaras
County, located in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

On the weekend of May 5-6, I drove up to see their new place.  These are photos
taken during my visit.  As you'll see, it's absolutely beautiful and full of promise.

Some of the photos are courtesy of Brandon Skiles who was also visiting that weekend.

After the three hour drive from San Francisco, I arrive at their gate and am greeted by Lexx and Kevin.

This is the meadow along the road where Kevin will be putting in a vegetable garden.

The home on the property has not been used for about
ten years.  It is in need of a new roof and lots of repairs
and paint, but it is habitable in its present state.

Friend Brandon Skiles with Lexx on the front porch.


The living room and kitchen before cleaning begins.

Visiting on the deck that's attached to the back of the house.

The fire pit in the back yard as seen from the deck.

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