On July 30, Michael and Larry attended an afternoon barbeque
at the home of Steve Ng and Mark Posner in Alameda.
July 31 - Bill and Larry's Wedding Anniversary. Seeing this was Larry's
first anniversary without Bill, his friends took him out to dinner at the
House of Prime Rib.  cw: Larry, Lexx, Louis, Norman, Fred, Michael
Larry saw this beautiful Plumeflower plant at the
Horticulture Store on Castro Street and bought it.
Another photo of our dahlias
Fallen leaves from our maple tree
Larry's new ham radio license plate - WB9LOZ
August 20 - Lexx celebrates his birthday and gets his
ears pierced - photos before, during and after
August 20 - Larry went to dinner at the Eureka Restaurant with Moy, Chris and Norman
We then joined friends at the SF Eagle bar -
l-r: Larry, Philip, Aaron, Chris, Moy, Norman and Victor