It was a 7,375 mile trip where we saw lots of beautiful scenery, took in many sites of interest and visited relatives and friends.
We drove up through Northern California, Oregon and Washington and across Idaho to Glacier National Park in Montana. We then crossed over into Canada and visited Waterton National Park in Alberta. From there we drove east across Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, through the southwest corner of Ontario and back into the United States at International Falls, Minnesota. We then traveled east to Michigan, back to Wisconsin and south to Illinois. We drove through Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma to New Mexico. We returned home via the mountains of New Mexico and Colorado, the canyon country of Utah and the deserts of Utah and Nevada back to California. Join us on our journey through our gallery of photos. The photos will be displayed in order. After seeing one, click on it to see the next one. If you want to skip some, you will see small versions of the next 15 that are coming at the bottom. Click on the first one of those that you want to see, and you will skip ahead. You can only go back by clicking "back" on your browser, so it's best to not try to skip around. Descriptions are shown over most photos. With some browsers you can also see the descriptions for upcoming photos by placing your mouse pointer over the small version of the photo before you click on it. This works on PCs but may not work on some other systems. When you've seen the last photo, asking for the next one will bring you back to this page.
[ Bill & Larry's Adventures - North America Archive ]
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