January 5 - Palm Springs, California
Hiking in Palm Canyon on my birthday
[ All of the photos from our Palms Springs Trip ]
The following photos were taken in April during a trip to the Southwest
Las Vegas, Nevada
On the Strip
Zion National Park
On a hike in the canyon
Bryce National Park
Checking out the overlook
Antelope Canyon, Page, Arizona
Gorgeous rock formations
Grand Canyon, Arizona
Overlooking the Rim
[ All of the photos from our trip to the Southwest ]
May, Chicago, Illinois
International Mr. Leather Weekend
Photo taken for portrait by the photographer at Recon
When we got the Hopper DVR and remote Joey
from Dish Satellite TV, we received a gift
Photos of me taken on our cross-country trip
during June and July can be found on Page 2.
[ Larry's Place ]